Paper Hand Towels & Dispensers

Quality paper hand towels and dispensers are what guests want. XO2's extensive hand towel range includes cut sheet paper towels and wall mounted dispensers, paper roll towel, centrefeed towel, wipers on a roll and even our legendary automatic touch free paper towel dispenser. You'll find everything you need right here and we'll deliver it to you anywhere in Australia

Health authorities recommend disposable paper towels for hand drying because they're more hygienic than automatic electric hand dryers. That's why you don't find hand dryers in hospitals. Hand dyers increase air flow in a washroom increasing the spread of toilet plume which is basically tiny poo, wee, vomit, mould and saliva droplets in the air. That's why we don't supply hand dryers!

Popular Blog Articles

Video: XO2® Automatic Sensor Paper Towel Dispenser - Reducing Usage & Costs By Up To 85%


All Paper Hand Towel & Dispenser Products

70.35 70.35000000000001 AUD
38.50 38.5 AUD
109.49 109.49000000000001 AUD

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